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UNDP’s Human Rights Self-Assessment (HRSA) Training Tool.

To facilitate an understanding of how businesses can assess their operations in terms of compliance with business and human right

Learn more about the HRSA tool and key terms

The HRSA is inspired by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights which provide guidance to business on conducting Human Rights Due Diligence to help enterprises address risks and impacts in their value chains, and act responsibly to prevent, mitigate and account for human rights abuses.

Visit FAQs to understand the tool’s strengths and limitations

The Human Rights Self-Assessment training tool allows you create a heatmap of human rights risks that illustrates which risks should be addressed first in your operations and value chain

Are you ready for your Human Rights Due Diligence journey?



Learn more about potential human rights risks in your industry.



How likely is it that the risks would occur in your operations? How severe would the impact be?



Create a heatmap to help you prioritize human rights risks in your operations.